You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free.
But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love.
~ Galations 5:13

Audio/Visual Team: Our audio/visual team works with our sound system, video streaming and Media Shout (which places the words on the screens) during all Sunday services. Volunteers will run MediaShout during services, make sure the sound is set and running, and control the video feed throughout the service. Volunteers must be trained before being put on a rotation schedule.
Announcements This ministry is in charge of producing the weekly announcement video. Volunteers will recruit people to give the announcements, film and edit the weekly video and upload it to the computer for Sunday.
AWANA AWANA is our Bible club for children ages 4 through 6th grade on Wednesday nights. Volunteers lead recreation, help children learn and recite Bible verses, tell Bible stories, and give awards.
Baptism Team Our baptism team prepares the baptistry on days that we observe baptisms and assist those who are being baptized.
Bereavement This ministry is for when there is a death of a church member or a close family member of the church. They will set up, organize, and clean up the reception after a funeral service.
Bus Ministry The bus ministry provides transportation on the church bus for those in need of a ride to church as well as for church members traveling to various functions. Drivers must have a CDL in order to drive the bus.
Children’s Choir Our Children’s choir is for grades 1st through 6th. Volunteers assist the choir leaders, help students with music, and help during programs.
Cleaning This ministry helps our custodian by doing light cleaning around the property. Some examples may be taking out trash, sweeping and mopping the floors, cleaning tables and chairs, etc.
College & Career This ministry meets on Wednesday night. Volunteers will help with Bible studies and planning events and outreach for college aged students.
Committees There are numerous committees in our church which assist in the day-to-day activities of the church. Some of these committees include Stewardship, Personnel, Nominating, Insurance, and Building and Grounds. Committees require church membership and approval.
Counters Counters are in charge of counting and securing the weekly offering.
Decorating Team This ministry works to make our facilities an attractive place for people to experience God every season of the year. Volunteers will help decorate the church for seasonal holidays and events.
ESL English as a second language classes teach conversational English to non-English speakers using scriptures as text and building a bridge to share the gospel.
First Impressions Our First Impressions (greeters and hospitality) team serves before and after our worship services and Sunday school in order to provide warm greetings to everyone that walks through our doors. They also provide directions to classes and answer any questions visitors may have.
First Kids First Kid’s is led by Pam Helms and is for children ages 4 through 4th grade during the 11:00 worship service. Volunteers interact with the kids by helping with worship, Bible stories, and crafts.
First Things First This ministry is a monthly prayer breakfast for men where they get together to pray for and encourage each other. After, the men do handyman style jobs around the property.
Flowers This ministry will be in charge of making or ordering floral arraignments for the sanctuary. This includes special events and requested arrangements.
Grounds Crew The grounds crew will help maintain the church grounds by doing landscaping and debris removal. They will also help to keep the property clean.
Heart to Heart This ministry is a monthly prayer breakfast for women where they gather together to fellowship, pray for, and encourage each other.
Homeless Ministry Our church sponsors a lunch for the homeless on the third Thursday of every month at Chapman Partnership. There are opportunities to help cook, serve, and pray for and with people.
Kid's Hope This ministry collects and sends food to local school children, so they have food for weekends. Volunteers will help gather food, organize, prepare food bags, and send bags to the local schools.
Lord’s Supper The Lord’s Supper team prepares the elements for the days we observe the Lord’s Supper. Volunteers make sure there are enough of the elements on hand and also removes cups after the service.
Men's Bible Study This ministry meets every Thursday night to do Bible studies with other men in the church.
Mission Teams Liaison The liaison greets mission teams when they arrive, gives them a tour of the facilities, hands them keys, checks them in and out, and answers any questions or issues they may have while they are on property.
Mission Trips There are multiple opportunities throughout the year to participate in various mission trips. Volunteers can go on these trips or if you’re unable to, you can commit to providing a scholarship for someone else to go, donate items needed for the trips, collect and sort items, or become a prayer partner.
Music Ministries The music ministry is for any singer or musician that loves to worship through music. Opportunities to serve include the Sanctuary Choir, English Praise Team and Spanish Praise team, as well as those who can sing special music throughout the year.
Nursery Nursery volunteers provide care and learning opportunities for our little ones from birth through age 3. A nursery is provided during all services on Sunday, Sunday School, and Wednesday night.
Nursing Home Ministry This ministry goes to the nursing home on Wednesdays to do Bible study, music, and to pray with and for the residents.
Parking Parking team volunteers are needed to help with parking during Sunday services and special events.
Prayer Evangelism Prayer evangelism is a ministry where volunteers go into the community asking people if they have any prayer needs. Volunteers also do neighborhood canvasses leaving prayer cards and welcome baskets.
Prayer Room Is available to anyone that needs a place to pray. There are also prayer gram cards with church members and community prayer requests to pray for. Volunteers for the prayer room can go at any time to pray for the requests and can also send prayer gram cards.
Prayer-Grams When prayer requests come in, volunteers pray for the requests and then write a note to the person letting them know they have been prayed for. This ministry is for anyone and can even be done at home.
Prison Ministry The prison ministry goes to the Dade Correctional Facility on Sunday mornings to deliver a sermon, teach Bible studies, encourage inmates, and to pray for and with the inmates. Volunteers must go through training and approval through the Department of Corrections.
Receptions Team Our receptions team prepares for fellowship events in our church. This includes preparing and serving Wednesday night meals, special banquets, and church-wide fellowships.
Security The security team walks the church property and is available should any issues arise during all services on Sunday and Wednesday nights. Volunteers are required to have training to be on this team.
Social Media This ministry is in charge of keeping up with and posting on all of the church’s social media pages.
Student Ministry This ministry serves teenagers in grades 7-12 and their family. Volunteers are needed to serve in a wide variety of capacities including teaching, praying, greeting, serving meals, playing games, and many others.
Sunday School Every Sunday School class employs a teacher, a class secretary (who takes attendance for the class), a prayer coordinator (who receives and distributes prayer requests), a ministry coordinator (who notifies class members when a fellow member has a ministry need), a fellowship coordinator (who plans class events for their class), and an outreach coordinator (who contacts members, visitors, and prospects for the class).
Vacation Bible School VBS is a week-long children’s bible school during the summer. Volunteer opportunities include ordering and organizing the curriculum and supplies, setting up and decorating the week before, walking kids to classes, teaching classes, cleaning up after, and more.
Web Master This ministry will be in charge of the church’s website. Volunteers will run and maintain the site and update it as needed.
Wednesday Night Meal Volunteers work with the Receptions Team in preparing, serving, cleaning up, and collecting money for our Wednesday night meals.
Women on Mission Women on mission is a team of women who meet to learn about missions and organize varies mission projects around the church and community.
Women’s Bible Study This ministry meets every Sunday afternoon to do Bible studies with other women in the church.
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve..." ~ Mark 10:45