Join us as we celebrate the greatest news of all time, the resurrection of Jesus Christ! There are numerous ways you and your family can be a part.
Good Friday, March 29, 7:00 PM
Bilingual Good Friday service featuring singing, a message, and the Lord’s Supper.
The HUNT for the Easter Story, Saturday, March 30, 10:00 AM
This is an Easter egg hunt in which children learn the real meaning of Easter. Just bring a basket and lots of enthusiasm!
Sunrise Service, Easter Sunday, 6:50 AM
This is a brief outdoor service in front of the main facility facing Krome Avenue. An attendant will show you where to park upon arrival. It is followed by a continental breakfast.
Easter Celebration Services
There are four main Sunday morning services on Easter Sunday, all with beautiful music and a relevant message from the Word of God.
8:00 AM - Contemporary English Service (Main Sanctuary)
9:30 AM - Spanish Service (Main Sanctuary)
11:00 AM - Traditional English Service (Main Sanctuary)
11:00 AM - Haitian Creole Service (Second floor of Youth and Education facility)
First Kids, 11:00 AM
First Kids is a special worship service for children through the fourth grade. It meets on the first floor of the Youth and Education facility. This is the second building you will see after entering from Krome Avenue. Simply drop off and register your children under the pavilion that is attached to this building.